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Work and Auto Injury

Work Injury Rehabilitation is a complete evaluation and treatment service for people who:

  • Have limited abilities to function because of a work-related injury or disability
  • Intend to go back to work after an injury or illness

Physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists help patients regain lost abilities or learn different ways of doing activities through:

  • Functional capacity evaluations. This includes a musculoskeletal assessment and identifies a worker’s ability to perform. Effort and work tolerance are observed to make an accurate recommendation. The evaluation addresses the whole person and may include hand usage, body movements, posture and weight handling.
  • Return to work (work hardening). This service incorporates aerobic conditioning, endurance and strength training exercise as well as job simulation tasks to improve the tolerance for work activities.
  • Functional job analysis (job site evaluation). Therapists observe the patient at the actual job site and identify ergonomic concerns and patient performance during daily work tasks.

Work Rehabilitation
Partnering with industries across the state, the Work/Industrial Rehabilitation Program offers a comprehensive line of services that prevents work-related injuries and reduces workers’ compensation costs.

From the day of injury, return-to-work specialists focus on healing, symptom control and preparation for work re-entry. A case management system ensures close communication among payers, employees and employers.
Physical therapists promote strength, endurance and flexibility. Occupational therapists use work simulation activities to maximize work capacity.

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